QUEEN’S PARK – MPP Sandy Shaw (Hamilton – Ancaster – Dundas West) called on the Ford government for action today as a Hamilton landlord is set to renovict seniors from their home, while posting how-to content on YouTube to teach others how to do the same.
“Up to 30 households in my riding – many of whom are seniors - are facing renoviction during the holiday season. With rent prices through the roof, they don’t know where to turn if they’re kicked out of their homes.
"Meanwhile, the landlord preparing to evict them is posting instructional videos about renovictions, to teach other landlords how to do the same.
"You know renter protections are bad when landlords can become influencers in Doug Ford’s Ontario, giving lessons to other landlords.
"These seniors are up against a bad actor who is looking to profit and take advantage of them. The government could step in today to protect them. Will Ford do the right thing?”