HAMILTON – Monique Taylor (Hamilton Mountain), NDP critic for Community, Children and Social Services has released the following statement in response to media reports about a spike in the number of children placed in unlicensed care:
"The number of unlicensed placements has doubled since 2021. There have never been more vulnerable kids, including those with complex care needs housed in these unacceptable settings.
"This is absolutely outrageous. Children and youth in care deserve the dignity – need – the safety and proper supports in our communities. The Premier's response is to call for an audit. To do what? Find money hidden under a bed? There aren't enough beds and it's because child welfare continues to be underfunded by this government.
“We need to see real, urgent, action and investment that ensures the mental, physical wellbeing and health of all children is a priority and focus of the Premier, the Minister and government. It is their responsibility and duty to ensure the child protection system is working for children, youth, families and the vital workers in this field who are left to deal with this current crisis and constant unknown.
“This government has a strategy to combat trafficking and yet we have children and youth in care sleeping in precarious places such as motel rooms. Parents are left having to make heart-wrenching decisions in order to get their kids the complex care they need, while agencies are stretched to the brink. Why isn’t this a top priority for this government?"