NIAGARA FALLS — NDP Workplace Health and Safety critic Wayne Gates says it’s wrong for the Ford government to protect big-box stores in violation of public health orders, instead of protecting the people that need to shop and work there. “When big-box stores present a health risk to employees and customers — including vulnerable seniors — it’s not right for Ford to prioritize protecting the company’s reputation over protecting the people who have to shop and work there. It’s pretty clear to us Doug Ford is still listening to lobbyists and his insiders.” Doug Ford insider and former war room director Melissa Lantsman and Ford’s former executive director of strategic communications David Tarrant have registered to lobby Ford’s government on behalf of Walmart. Ford and Walmart Canada’s CEO met during the pandemic, and Ford said he was convinced then to allow the megastores to stay open, while shutting down all their locally-owned small business competitors. “Doug Ford keeps choosing half measures, and that’s causing this second wave to last longer and cause more illness and devastating loss,” said Gates. “When big-box stores violate public health orders and put staff or customers at risk, customers deserve to know that.”